Friday, April 30, 2010


hello humans!
sorry for the lack of updates. been really lazy plus i had my finals.which i am happy to say IS OVER. thank you anyways..last week after the bel exam.wait sorry.i mean saturday i went over to sam's place coz she invited me over for dinner with her family and tasha. so yeah i wanted to go get balloons at bangsar to stick shayley's face on it for sam but the shop was closed.what the yeah that plan didnt work out so i went over to her place and i accompanied sam and tasha to the pharmacy to get something..uhh.yeah.something inneresting.haha and then we got ice.i swear the food was effing good. i LOVE sam's sister's stew. beef i was yummyyyy! then there was yeah it was cake time after that.fuhh.sam's cake was effing cool wei. its a replica of her red bass and the cake was awesome! poor sammy had a hard time getting the courage to cut the cake.its seriously pretty and its painful to cut something so prettyy.hahaha omg and it was so cute that omar kept going to the cake like he couldnt wait to eat it.he's sooo adorable!look at the caaaake!oh and there was pie and ice cream but i forgot to take a picture of that.haha
after the food sam, her sister, tasha and i were just having random conversations about god only knows what. i mean we just didnt stick to one topic or even finish the topic we were all talking just jumped to something else.hahahah but it was mayyjaah fun. we even lay down at the play area and continued our discussion there.hahaah more updates soon when i finish clearing my photos off my phone!




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